Welcome to the Festival of Posts

Not only is this Festival a stroke of literary genius from within my writing community, the Festival of Posts is inspired by a level of parenting prowess that leaves me floundering in its wake. In Janine Kovak's house, an every-day breakfast is, on occasion, turned into a Festival of Toast. The same bread, the same marmalade, the same jam and peanut butter. Nothing is different and yet everything is. The mundane becomes the magical.
"It's a Festival, it's yours, take it places."
That was her theory in introducing us to the Festival of Posts.
So here we are, writers, sharing our personal joys and terrors and hoping you'll recognize what we are saying and follow our journey as part of your own.
With thanks to my fellow writers:
If you've landed here from happydayyou, you'll notice things look a bit different. In revisiting my blog for this Festival I realized that somehow my mother-in-law's email had become the uneditable address associated with my blogger account. Mostly she resides 5000 miles away which is, we all agree, an excessive distance, but sharing a blog space was, well, awkward. How she managed to achieve this while checking her emails on my computer last year is anyone's guess.